
Despair. Sadness. Unmotivated. Down. Burned Out.

What do you call it when you feel when you experience one of the low points in life? Sometimes they’re a result of a painful experience such as a death of a loved one, job loss, or a relationship difficulty. At other times the feeling comes from nowhere — a creeping sense of not being motivated, of not enjoying activities we used to enjoy, snapping at people without reason and we don’t really know where it started.

We need connection with other people. Yet when we’re down, it sometimes feels like people don't want anything to do with us. Are they avoiding me because I’m depressed? Sometimes it even feels like a betrayal of sorts. This feeling can sometimes result in a “spiraling” sense where we seem to get worse and worse.

I work with depressed clients by first being fully with them, listening and showing genuine care and empathy, and unconditional regard. You are not alone, and I will walk through this dark time with you.

Depression demands that we get someone to understand what we're depressed about.

I help clients in depressed states build positive coping skills to elevate themselves out of the fog, always tailoring my approach to their needs and context. We also look for patterns of thinking and behavior that might have worked in the past, but seem to be more hurtful than helpful now. It is frequently the case that simply making a small set of strategic changes can set up a positive “chain reaction” that makes life a lot more meaningful.  Like a ship at sea, we only need to change your compass one degree to end up in a different place.

It seems so hard to take the first step, and you might be holding out hope that you can conquer this thing on your own. I think you probably could — but why face it alone if you don’t have to? Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s an indication of strength.  Take the first step by scheduling an appointment today.

Take the Depression Self-Assessment Quiz for a quick, high level view of your depressive symptoms.

Never Minimize Suicidal Thoughts

If you're feeling suicidal, immediately tell someone who can help. Call your doctor, go to the emergency room, call 911, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255). Getting care and the proper treatment can help you overcome thoughts of suicide.